Preventing food poisoning at home
Профилактика пищевых отравлений в домашних условиях 11.12.2019

In fact, not everyone thinks that the most common cause of intestinal infections is ourselves, or rather, our failure to comply with simple sanitary rules in the household.

First of all, when purchasing food, you need to carefully look at the expiration date and storage conditions so as not to buy a low-quality product.

All products should be stored in the refrigerator in packaging (original packaging or bag, paper box (regular or standardized), cling film, container, etc.) or in a special box (for vegetables, fruits, eggs, etc.). The temperature in the main compartment of refrigerators must be maintained at +5°C. Food products cannot be stored on a shelf without packaging, because in the cleanest refrigerator, as well as in food, germs and bacteria always live. Spoons, bowls, forks and other utensils should not be left inside containers with prepared food, and even a small hole can cause spoilage of the prepared food.

When storing vegetables, fruits and green products in packaging, air circulation must be organized. Otherwise, the moisture released from the fruit accumulates under the film, rots and begins to sprout.

Shelf life is important for all types of products, since during this period they retain their freshness and valuable properties. When storing perishable products, including dairy products, confectionery and cream, sausages, and culinary products at room temperature, each passing hour indicates the approaching expiration date and destruction of the product. house. If, for example, you cut raw fish and raw meat on a board, and then cut salad on the same board, then the bacteria separated from the fish and meat will take up space in the salad, and it will not be possible to completely remove it. destroy harmful microorganisms during heat treatment. And the remains of raw food left on the table and on the cutting board create a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria. Wash your cutting board with hot soapy water after each use. Also, do not forget to replace it in time, for example, when lines and cracks appear on the surface of the board. To prepare raw and cooked foods, you must use separate tools, so there must be at least 2 sets of meat grinders, cutters and mixers. Otherwise, microbes from the raw product will inevitably enter your body. After preparation, feeders, vegetable cutters and other machines must be washed with a soda solution and rinsed with hot water.

Housewives should not try raw minced meat (there are many bacteria in meat, which are harmless if properly cooked), or raw dough.

Pay special attention to eggs: eggs can be stored without washing them in a separate box, separate from other products. It is best to place them in a baking soda solution and wash them with a rag in soapy water. Such clean eggs can be stored in refrigerators for up to 12 days. After handling raw eggs, you should wash your hands with soap to avoid salmonellosis.

Vegetables and fruits should also be washed thoroughly. This is due to the fact that products that come into contact with soil carry various pathogens (including very dangerous pathogens).

Microbiological contamination of prepared foods is widespread in street vending. Contamination of these products occurs as a result of the transfer of dust, soil and wind. Contamination of products can occur either from a sick person or from a carrier of the disease. In this form, microbial contamination can be found in ice cream, confectionery, drinks and salads.

What is recommended to take with you when traveling, especially by train? Is it possible to buy second-hand items at the station without fear of food poisoning? Easier said than done. All products in it require refrigeration: boiled, fried foods, not to mention raw meat. Raw sausage, bread, and canned food can be stored for up to 1 day, so they can be stored without refrigeration. You can take washed fruits and vegetables with you; if their skins are not damaged, they will keep well. At high temperatures, especially in summer, food spoils very quickly. Products sold by a private seller in a carriage are very dangerous. Any sanitary and hygienic violations may occur here. Therefore, there is no need to buy anything at the station.

When the disease occurs, the following symptoms are observed: fever, chills, headache, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea (constipation).

Measures to prevent acute intestinal infections and sanitary and hygienic measures for the preparation, storage, transportation and distribution of food products are also sufficient.

Causative agents of intestinal infectious diseases are often found in the peels of vegetables and fruits, so they must be thoroughly washed in running hot water using laundry soap.

The dangerous group of food poisoning includes perishable foods such as salads, milk, fish, cakes and sweets. Therefore, they must be stored at a temperature of +2 +6°C and strictly adhere to the established expiration dates.

Dairy products should not be purchased on an illegal trading platform, from a seller you are unfamiliar with. Raw milk must be boiled before consumption.

You should not buy home-canned salads, mushrooms and vegetables as they can cause severe food poisoning such as botulism. Every year, cases of poisoning from canned food containing botulinum toxin are recorded.

Eggs should not be used raw; they should be cooked for at least 8 minutes when boiling, and turned on both sides when frying.

During the hot season, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of semi-finished products and salad products with mayonnaise.

You should not try unwashed fruits and vegetables at the market or in the garden.

The kitchen area must be clean. Any surface can contaminate food, so food preparation surfaces should be cleaned regularly. Every piece of food, crumb and dirty spot should be carefully examined to separate them from the reservoir of germs. When washing dishes, you should use special detergents or baking soda. Do not dry clean dishes with a kitchen towel; it is often a source of intestinal infections.

Wash your hands often. Always wash your hands after handling raw foods, fish, meat or poultry and wash your hands again before handling. If you have an injury on your hand, be sure to wrap it with tape before cooking.

Make sure that flies do not land on food and dishes. Flies should be destroyed with special aerosols. The causative agents of acute intestinal infections are found on the legs, body and inside the fly.

If someone in your family has an intestinal infection, you should isolate them from other family members. Separate utensils and towels must be provided. The patient should wash their hands with antibacterial soap every time they go to the toilet. The door handle of the toilet and washbasin should be washed several times a day with a disinfectant solution.

At home, vegetables, fruits, and herbs can be treated with disinfectant solutions. For example: “Microchlor”, which is available in powder form, should be thoroughly rinsed with cold running water after use on vegetables and fruits. These solutions wash well and neutralize bacteria, pesticides, fungi, parasites and keep the quality of fruits and vegetables clean and safe for consumption.

Kosymova A.I., head of the Kazalinsky district branch
of the Kyzylorda regional branch of the Kyzylorda regional branch of the “National Expert Center”