Anti-corruption - a branch of Akmola region
Противодействие коррупции – филиала Акмолинской области 28.05.2019

One of the main directions of state policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the fight against corruption. Corruption is a systemic threat to Kazakhstan’s security, threatening the stability of the state and society

To date, in Kazakhstan, the fight against corruption has been given a nationwide status, a large-scale anti-corruption company is being conducted together with public and political forces to suppress and limit the manifestations of corruption.

In view of this, one of the key principles that guides the National Center for Expertise is the periodic risk assessment of corruption in the Company.

So, in the laboratories and 18 departments of the National Center for Expertise RVP branch in the Republican State Pedagogical University in Akmola Oblast, seminars were held to identify corruption risks and prevent corruption offenses.

In addition, the implementation of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On the Procedure for Considering Appeals of Individuals and Legal Entities” was simultaneously covered by the audit.

Thus, among the population using the services of our branch, a survey was conducted on corruption issues, the procedure for conducting public procurements on the portal is constantly monitored, and a department for working with the population on the basis of the “one window” principle eliminates direct contact between the service provider and the consumer.

For the effectiveness of the work carried out in the administrative building, an urn for written complaints and appeals of visitors has been established, video surveillance is being conducted in the department for working with the population.

In addition, the information booth contains hotline numbers, e-mail addresses of the senior staff of the Committee for Quality and Safety of Goods and Services of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the central office of the NCE, the branch and departments.

We consider it crucial to inform our employees that non-compliance with anti-corruption policies can affect the company's reputation in the most negative way. In a word, when an atmosphere of intolerance towards corruption is created in society, one can count on positive results.

Branch Lawyer
RSE at REM “National Center for Expertise”
KKKBTU MH RK in Akmola region
Kazybaev T.V.